DREAMLIFE is a community-made zine, providing young transgender, gender diverse and non-binary people with positive visions for the future, and access to our own and others' dreams, as well as showcasing the diversity and multiplicity of the trans community.

DREAMLIFE is a physical embodiment of community; a publication made by and for trans young people.

DREAMLIFE is an artefact of the beauty and multiplicity of young trans, gender diverse, and non-binary people. A physical zine steps out of the cluttered digital space and allows us to anthologise our stories, which are diverse and not monolithic, and proliferate trans narratives which are complex, joyful, messy, genuine, and liberatory.


Left: the poster for “The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone”, photo by Maya Newell, design by EWS, featuring Georgie Stone

Below: the Issue 01 committee with Georgie Stone on the Sydney Film Festival red carpet for the premiere of the documentary in 2022. From left to right: Mac Zamani, Aud Mason-Hyde, Ronan Miles, Freya Occleshaw, Georgie Stone, Rossamünd Brennan, Theo Warner and Alice Maio-Mackay.

The issue 01 committee sits around a table covered in butcher’s paper. From left to right: Mac Zamani, Theo Warner, Ronan Miles, Rossamund Brennan, Aud Mason-Hyde, Alice Maio-Mackay, Freya Occleshaw and Eloise Brook.

Charlotte Stronach (she/her)

Charlotte is a transwoman living on the Sunshine Coast, passionately involved with social justice causes.

Zephyr Hopping (they/them)

Zephyr lives on Gadigal land and is a copywriter by day, artist by night picking up every single creative hobby under the sun.

Sarah Mitchell (they/them)

Sarah is a genderqueer writer living, dreaming, playing and working on stolen Gadigal and Wangal land. 

Alistair Ott (they/them)

Alistair is a proud Wiradjuri fulla, trans queer activist, and creative living on Ngunnawal land.