Stories from the Heart was born during Sydney World Pride 2023 as a way to give queer teens something they rarely have: a space that’s fully theirs to create, connect, and shine.
The first iteration was a huge success. Over two weekends, eight queer teens (Remy, Kenzie, Solaris, Jack, Jesse, Thalia, Lilliana & Jollee) worked with an incredible team of queer mentors—Zoe Terakes, Imbi, Tommy Misa, and Laneikka Denne—to create powerful 3–5 minute performances. These workshops weren’t just about creating performances; they were about helping these young people share their stories and express their truth. For many participants, this was the first time they’d had a space where they could fully be themselves and be celebrated for it.
The workshops were filled with creativity, laughter, and moments of real connection. They ended with a live showcase during Sydney World Pride, where the teens performed their pieces to a packed, supportive audience that included queer community members and industry professionals. It was a night full of joy, pride, and inspiration, with many audience members describing it as the highlight of their Pride experience.
The journey didn’t end there. The participants were also invited to march in the Mardi Gras Parade with Wear It Purple—a truly unforgettable experience that capped off the program with glitter, rainbows, and pure queer magic.
Seeing how much impact Stories from the Heart had on its first group of participants—and on everyone who experienced it—made it clear this couldn’t be a one-time thing. We’re now working to make Stories from the Heart an annual program, continuing to provide a space where queer teens can express themselves, build community, and connect with amazing queer mentors.
Stories from the Heart is more than a workshop series—it’s a celebration of young queer voices and a space where creativity, identity, and community come together. We can’t wait to see how this program continues to grow and inspire the next generation of queer artists.
For most, a family dinner is a place of love. For Lila, that love lies elsewhere. A FAMILY DINNER is an exploration of the distance that can form between families and the painful acceptance of reconciling your queerness on your own.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA gives an inside look into the mental and emotional process of a neurodivergent teen struggling with their gender identity and place in the world.
A young transman is riddled with anxiety when talking himself into confessing his feelings for a girl.
Performance Art
TRANSFORMATIONS is a performance art piece which transcends words and explores the trans and queer experience within the bounds of a heteronormative society.
WE ARE HERE TOGETHER follows Solaris’ connection to the queer people of Iran, as an Iranian person himself, along with queer people everywhere. We're all one big family, and we're everywhere, no matter what laws may try to stop us.
After having a fight with their mother, a queer fifteen year old finds a letter from their ten year old self while cleaning their messy room and realises the person they used to be is still in reach.
JESUS IS A FRIEND OF MINE is a dark comedy theater piece that follows the story of Angela, a young catholic school girl struggling with her identity and what she previously believed. When she is advised to pray by a teacher, Jesus returns the call and comes down to earth.
In a musical about a house party in Kellyville, a queer teen grapples with the crushing confusions and euphoric elations of identity, memory, and escape.